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Camera Map different result on Render/IPR

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  • Camera Map different result on Render/IPR


    recently I have to complete a job using the Camera map and the Shift Parameter of the Vray camera, what I knew is that dosent work toghether but when I use the IPR the allignament are fine.
    I have to allign the Vray cam to the Photographer shot (he used the shift on real camera so I have to reproduce it), I used a Shift on Vray Camera of 0.08 Horizzontal and a 0,07 Tilt for the Vertical allignamet, the view now perfectly math the photographer view, now I apply the Camera map Material to the scene using the Explicit Map Channel alignament for the map and piking the Vray camera as a source.
    here come's the strange thing, as Iknow, when I render the image the projection is shifted and tilted (like there's not a correctionon camera) but this was knewed, the strange thing is that when i render with IPR the image is PERFECT!

    now the questions are, there's any way to realize the render like the IPR? or, there's a way to maximaze/improve/tweak the quality of IPR to use it instead the Render?

    Unfortunatly for a NDA signing I can't share image or scene part.

    Thanks in advice

    Andrea Bertaccini/Tredistudio

  • #2
    You're referring to the Camera map per pixel map, correct? It seems there is a difference between IPR and production rendering when it's used together with VRayCamera's tilt/shift options. I've logged the issue (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-10666) for developer analysis. As a workaround, try using the Screen mapping type instead of the Camera map and check if it would work for your scenario. Otherwise, the IPR quality depends on the set Image Sampler parameters.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

