recently I have to complete a job using the Camera map and the Shift Parameter of the Vray camera, what I knew is that dosent work toghether but when I use the IPR the allignament are fine.
I have to allign the Vray cam to the Photographer shot (he used the shift on real camera so I have to reproduce it), I used a Shift on Vray Camera of 0.08 Horizzontal and a 0,07 Tilt for the Vertical allignamet, the view now perfectly math the photographer view, now I apply the Camera map Material to the scene using the Explicit Map Channel alignament for the map and piking the Vray camera as a source.
here come's the strange thing, as Iknow, when I render the image the projection is shifted and tilted (like there's not a correctionon camera) but this was knewed, the strange thing is that when i render with IPR the image is PERFECT!
now the questions are, there's any way to realize the render like the IPR? or, there's a way to maximaze/improve/tweak the quality of IPR to use it instead the Render?
Unfortunatly for a NDA signing I can't share image or scene part.
Thanks in advice
Andrea Bertaccini/Tredistudio
recently I have to complete a job using the Camera map and the Shift Parameter of the Vray camera, what I knew is that dosent work toghether but when I use the IPR the allignament are fine.
I have to allign the Vray cam to the Photographer shot (he used the shift on real camera so I have to reproduce it), I used a Shift on Vray Camera of 0.08 Horizzontal and a 0,07 Tilt for the Vertical allignamet, the view now perfectly math the photographer view, now I apply the Camera map Material to the scene using the Explicit Map Channel alignament for the map and piking the Vray camera as a source.
here come's the strange thing, as Iknow, when I render the image the projection is shifted and tilted (like there's not a correctionon camera) but this was knewed, the strange thing is that when i render with IPR the image is PERFECT!
now the questions are, there's any way to realize the render like the IPR? or, there's a way to maximaze/improve/tweak the quality of IPR to use it instead the Render?
Unfortunatly for a NDA signing I can't share image or scene part.
Thanks in advice
Andrea Bertaccini/Tredistudio