A strange error was reported by my customer.
- Open the attached error.max with 3dsMax 2021.3
- Select VRayCam001
- show the modifier panel of VRayCam001
- VRayCam001 un-selected
- Create VRay Physical Camera from the 3ds Max Camera Creation panel
- Click on view
- 3ds Max crashes
Confirmed with 3dsMax 2021.3 + V-Ray Next Update3.2 and V-Ray 5
Captured Screen
- Open the attached error.max with 3dsMax 2021.3
- Select VRayCam001
- show the modifier panel of VRayCam001
- VRayCam001 un-selected
- Create VRay Physical Camera from the 3ds Max Camera Creation panel
- Click on view
- 3ds Max crashes
Confirmed with 3dsMax 2021.3 + V-Ray Next Update3.2 and V-Ray 5
Captured Screen