Hey guys,
I came across a little problem when using the Vray Sun and Sky in the refraction environment override. Scene is a teapot behind a pane of glass. Scene file attached at the end.
This image is with the Sun and Sky instanced into the reflection/refraction environment slot. Of course, this means I will always see the Sun and Sky in the refractions of windows etc.

This might be unwanted, so I check refraction environment and set it to black. While this gives the correct result for the refraction, the reflections in the teapot are killed as well. This seems weird!

Just as a counter-check, the same situation with an HDRI texture. This is working fine! Here with the HDRI instanced into the reflection/refraction slot:

And with the refraction slot enabled and set to black. Notice that the teapot stays exactly the same, contrary to the situation with the Sun and Sky.

It feels like something is broken with the sun and sky texture when used together with black environment override. As a workaround, I can instance the Sun and Sky texture into the Domelight, but I feel this is not the right way to do it.
Scene File:
Max 2021, V-Ray 4.30.02
I came across a little problem when using the Vray Sun and Sky in the refraction environment override. Scene is a teapot behind a pane of glass. Scene file attached at the end.
This image is with the Sun and Sky instanced into the reflection/refraction environment slot. Of course, this means I will always see the Sun and Sky in the refractions of windows etc.
This might be unwanted, so I check refraction environment and set it to black. While this gives the correct result for the refraction, the reflections in the teapot are killed as well. This seems weird!
Just as a counter-check, the same situation with an HDRI texture. This is working fine! Here with the HDRI instanced into the reflection/refraction slot:
And with the refraction slot enabled and set to black. Notice that the teapot stays exactly the same, contrary to the situation with the Sun and Sky.
It feels like something is broken with the sun and sky texture when used together with black environment override. As a workaround, I can instance the Sun and Sky texture into the Domelight, but I feel this is not the right way to do it.
Scene File:
Max 2021, V-Ray 4.30.02