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V-Ray glass materials: Fog color darkens glass in Material Editor

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  • V-Ray glass materials: Fog color darkens glass in Material Editor

    Hello all,

    I'm brand new to 3ds Max (I used V-Ray in Sketchup for a few years on and off) so apologies if this is an obvious question or an irrelevant question. I did a google search and searched this forum but couldn't find anyone else with the same issue:

    3ds Max 2021
    V-Ray 5, update 1

    I open the V-Ray Material Library Browser, click on Glass, then drag one of the glass materials into a free slot in the 3ds Max Material Editor. For example, the standard "Glass" material.
    It asks if I want to instance or copy it so I select copy.
    It populates the slot in the 3ds Max Material Editor but the sphere in the thumbnail render is almost completely black.

    I have determined that it's the Fog colour setting that causes the problem; it seems to be VERY sensitive: If the fog colour is set to pure white R255 G255 B255 or thereabouts, the glass looks fine. As soon as I set it to R232 G232 B232 the thumbnail goes dark.

    I might have suspected that 3ds Max was at fault, given that it's showing in the Material Editor, but V-Ray also renders it as dark as the Material Editor thumbnail.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    Here's a render at 255-255-255:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Glass-Fog-Issue-255.jpg
Views:	1131
Size:	209.8 KB
ID:	1106994

    Here's the same render but at 232-232-232 (note the difference in the Material Editor thumbnail) - any ideas why it suddenly goes all 'limo tint' on me? The swatch is clearly barely off-white; it's very close to pure white. As far as I'm concerned, the glass should be barely-perceptibly tinted in this one:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Glass-Fog-Issue-232.jpg
Views:	1396
Size:	228.1 KB
ID:	1106995

    And here's the same render with a bit of pink. (Notice the difference in the Material Editor compared to the render - the render is way more pronounced than the Material Editor implies it should be):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Glass-Fog-Issue.jpg
Views:	1028
Size:	208.1 KB
ID:	1106996

    And here's a different glass material from V-Ray (Glass_Tinted_Grey) set to its standard 252-252-252 and 255-255-255 - quite a stark difference for a single-digit alteration and looks a lot darker than the V-Ray browser thumbnail. Also not much scope for adjustment.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Glass-Fog-Issue-tint.jpg
Views:	988
Size:	396.3 KB
ID:	1106997

  • #2
    The fog color result also depends on the depth parameter (different results with different sized objects); try increasing it for your scenario to see which value suits you best. Note that the preview may not produce identical color results (due to the difference in objects).
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

