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Displacement and RGB Offset

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  • Displacement and RGB Offset

    There are problems when "RGB offset" of displacement texture is less than 0 and there is no VRayDisplacementMod (displacement is controlled through "Default displacement" settings).
    Then displacement has no effect

    Vray 5.10.00. max 2020

  • #2
    Well, manipulating the texture through the RGB offset (which adds/subtracts the value from the original RGB value) has an effect on the displacement since it serves as its base data. Depending on the texture, negative values may lead to a negligible or non-existent displacement. If you think this is not the case, do attach some screencaps so we can take a look.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by aleksandar.hadzhiev View Post
      manipulating the texture through the RGB offset (which adds/subtracts the value from the original RGB value) has an effect on the displacement
      Hmm.. I am aware of that

      Here is max file which clearly (I think) shows my problem: displacement texture RGB

      Click image for larger version

Name:	displacement.jpg
Views:	197
Size:	178.6 KB
ID:	1109311


      • #4
        Thanks for the provided scene. Everything seems to work as it should, however, it is the comparison that is wrong. The VRayDisplacementMod, unlike the default displacement, has custom texture value boundaries options (Texmap min/max), which allows both negative and positive displacements to work together, which is why the RGB offset is still visible (the texture is previewed as pure black since the values are negative). Also, the Amount values in the scene were not identical. If you set the VRayDisplacementMod's Texmap min/max to 0 -1 and set both displacements amounts to i.e. 10 the results will be similar.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

