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VRay ZDepth - Colored alpha edge and NaN pixels

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  • VRay ZDepth - Colored alpha edge and NaN pixels

    Hi all,

    We are experiencing an issue with the VRay ZDepth pass. The following is observed:

    1. Using the bucket image sampler
    • Dots of pixels indicating the buckets forming a pattern with NaN pixels
    • Colored matte edge of objects (looks like chromatic abberation).

    2. Using the progressive image sampler
    • No NaN pixels with this sampler, but the colored matte edge is still visible.

    Problem occuring both when rendering locally and on render nodes without the VRay frame buffer enabled. Rendering with the VRay frame buffer locally, the error is not visible. Tried saving in different file formats and depths, same results. All other passes renders normal.

    Experiencing this issue with VRay 5 update 1.1, clean install on new 3ds Max 2021.3 install.

    Anyone recognize this type of error? All help is greatly appreciated.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VRay_Zdepth_Issue.PNG
Views:	362
Size:	70.6 KB
ID:	1110508
    Attached Files

  • #2

    As part of a major pipeline overhaul, we went from V-Ray 3.6 straight to V-Ray 5 update 1.1. I have now tested reverting back to earlier releases of V-Ray on two of the render nodes, the following is observed:
    • VRay 5 update 1.1 - Problem occurs as initially described in post above
    • VRay 5 update 1 - Problem persistent
    • VRay 5 hotfix 2 - Problem gone

    So may be a problem with the recent V-Ray release, or a more puzzling problem on our end...


    • #3
      Hi ramschaft

      Would it be possible to forward a stripped version of the scene with the issue reproducible so we can have a look on our end?

      You can send it via our contact form, just make sure to mention this thread in the email. Thanks!
      Nikoleta Garkova |


      • #4
        Hi nikoleta.garkova

        Thanks for your reply. I have now sent an email to support.


        • #5
          Hi ramschaft

          Thank you for providing the files over. I can confirm this is reproducible and it is now logged under VMAX-11005.
          Unfortunately, the only workaround for now appears to be rendering with the VFB enabled.

          I will make sure to let you know when there are any updates on the matter. Thanks for pointing it out!
          Nikoleta Garkova |


          • #6
            Just ran into this same issue and was about to post when I found this thread. Any news on the matter?


            • #7

              We have it fixed in our internal builds and it should get to the public nightlies soon.

              Best regards,
              Yavor Rubenov
              V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


              • #8
                Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post

                We have it fixed in our internal builds and it should get to the public nightlies soon.

                Best regards,
                Nice - thanks!


                • #9
                  Any updates on this issue? We are still having the problem with 3dsmax Vray 5.10.02.


                  • #10
                    It is fixed in the stable nightlies (for example here:
                    Yavor Rubenov
                    V-Ray for 3ds Max developer

