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VrayRawTotalLight has different intensities of direct light if diffuse color of material is different

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  • VrayRawTotalLight has different intensities of direct light if diffuse color of material is different

    Dear all,

    I have a project where I bake the direct and indirect light into textures, I use the VrayRawTotalLightMap for that to store both GI and DirectLight.
    I had a strange effect now in a certain area where I use IES lights that the diffuse texture had like an imprint effect into that map, so that the pattern of the texture showed in the lightmap. The diffuse texture was quite dark, but at no point it was totally black.
    When I removed the texture and used a diffuse color only, I noticed that the lightmap intensity in floating point values is always increasing, if the diffuse color is increasing, so a diffuse value of 5 has a different lightmap than a value of 65.
    Is this because the diffuse color determines as well how many GI is reflected and received from other objects?

    I thought this was independent from each other, as the RawTotalLightmap is expected to be filtered (multiplied) by the diffuse map later on, so to have a relation during baking is not intended?

    Kind regards
    Last edited by Robert1977; 22-04-2021, 03:42 AM.

    Max, VRay, Fusion:

  • #2
    I have included two images, the first one showing the lightmap with diffuse value rgb 5 5 5, the second with value 65 65 65. On the second the shadows are more crisp, and the borders of the ies-lights are not so hard. Also on the first the light is more noisy.
    We use adaptive lights (24) for baking, and "store with irradiance map" on most lights, except the IES of course, which illuminate this part a lot.

    RawTotalLightMap Diffuse 5
    RawtotalLightmap diffuse 65
    Last edited by Robert1977; 22-04-2021, 04:13 AM.

    Max, VRay, Fusion:


    • #3
      seems ok, brighter diffuse color will bounce more light around.
      Marcin Piotrowski

