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MAX 2022 Vray 5 Update 1.2 (5.10.02 build 00002) IPR performance slow

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  • MAX 2022 Vray 5 Update 1.2 (5.10.02 build 00002) IPR performance slow

    MAX 2022 Vray 5 Update 1.2 (5.10.02 build 00002)

    IPR mode is much slower and less responsive than V-ray 5 update 1 (5.10.01 build 00001) for MAX 2021 using the same file(s)

    This may be related to Forest Pack 7.0.9 for MAX 2022. With FP objects turned off its as fast as usual, of course all that geo is not there. However MAX 2021 is nearly as fast with FP elements on in the same file.
    For Max 2021 its FP 6.3.1 This is a dead stop for us on implementing 2022 in our pipe. Should I contact iToo about this?
    Last edited by Dman3d; 23-04-2021, 02:14 PM.
    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

  • #2
    I can't see a visible difference between 3ds Max 2021 and 2022 neither in response time nor in render time on a simple scene. Does it happen on a particular project? Could you send it via the contact form so we can take a look? Mention me in the subject and include a link to this thread in the message.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Will do more digging. I have some other tasks to deal with and will try to narrow it down more as soon as I can.
      Simple scenes appear to be no problem. The scene(s) I am seeing this on are scenes that have several forest pack elements such as grass, trees, mulch. They perform fine under MAX21/Vray5 and the same scene opened in MAX22/Vray5
      Last edited by Dman3d; 03-05-2021, 06:46 AM.
      "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


      • #4
        I am also having issues with terrible performance in relation to IPR and forestpack. In the past it was due to Forestpack culling objects outside the camera view and seeing to be doing calculations as the camera is moved, however even with this setting disabled it's still bad. I should point out that itoo mentioned they have re-coded that part of forestpack so this might be the issue.

        EDIT: In this particular case it was not due to Forestpack, however I would suggest you try disabling the camera culling feature and seeing if that helps.

        EDIT 2: In this particular case it was due to physical materials in my scene that (for some reason which baffles me) are not converted by the vray scene converter.
        Last edited by Pixelcon; 06-05-2021, 07:20 AM.
        James Burrell
        Visit my Patreon


        • #5
          I did discover that camera culling had been turned back on when switching MAX/VRAY/FP versions and the performance is improved to expectation
          "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

