We have multiple Servers that have differetn Versions of 3dsmax and Vray installed. When I run two Spawners simultaniosly (VRay Next 2018 Spawner + VRay 5 2021 Spawner) the workstation which renders distributed (3dsmax 2018 + VRay Next) does not recognize the servers 2018 Spawner and says "Server is using a different VRay version.
Is there any solution to run both spawners at the same without having to start/end the spawner that is currently needed?
Hope this makes sense....
Best regards
We have multiple Servers that have differetn Versions of 3dsmax and Vray installed. When I run two Spawners simultaniosly (VRay Next 2018 Spawner + VRay 5 2021 Spawner) the workstation which renders distributed (3dsmax 2018 + VRay Next) does not recognize the servers 2018 Spawner and says "Server is using a different VRay version.
Is there any solution to run both spawners at the same without having to start/end the spawner that is currently needed?
Hope this makes sense....
Best regards