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error message stopping render

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  • error message stopping render

    I'm at my wit's end! For the past few weeks I've been getting two error messages AFTER my render is finished: "Tif Error: TiffOpen" and "Image I/) Error". Both pop ups. On my render set up I have the save file box unchecked. I executed a max script suggestion I found online that has seemed to help everyone but me.
    The only way to get rid of these windows before today was to save the render and clear the popups so I can continue my work was to hit the stop button on the VFB window, save the file, hit OK on the Tif Error popup then hit Cancel on the Image I/O popup.
    NOW these two windows come up right BEFORE my render starts and getting rid of these popups via the steps above stops the render - and starts the process all over again. I'm at my wit's end.....I've tried clearing the save file window even though the save file box is unchecked via the max script but it just comes back when I reload max.
    I don't know what to do - would appreciate any help!! I can't render anything and had a half completed presentation today. I've attached the two pop ups.
    Again any help will be very appreciated!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    in the render dialog > vray tab > frame buffer > seperate render channels
    that is likely ticked and set to output tif files. Regardless, that should not produce that error. Untick it and see if you can manually save the channels after the render by using the save icon in the VFB

    Also, in the render dialog > common tab > scripts > see if you have any pre or post scripts set...
    Kind Regards,


    • #3

      Many thanks for your reply! It is indeed the frame buffer and the checked "separate render channels". However when I uncheck it and hit render I get a lightning fast popup - can't tell what it's doing and no render output to save. It all happens so very fast.

      Once - a couple of months ago - I checked the save file button next to the renderer type in the Render Set Up and pointed it to a specific folder and named the file. I have since then unchecked it but that file comes up in the Tiff error pop up,

      In any case - if you have any other suggestion I would be appreciative/happy/grateful to hear it, in the meantime I shall try merging objects into a new file and see if that helps .......

      Again thank you for responding!

