help! i saw that a new version was available and downloaded, installed it, now when i open i get a ton of error loading plug-in dll with things such as vrayplugins\hairVrObj2020.dlo | vrabptracer2020.dlo | vrayclipper2020.dlo | vraydomecamera2020.dlo etc etc.. there's like 15 more! and when i get into max finally, it only shows a render engine option of vray 5 for cpu.
all the errors say the specified module could not be found.
however i do see them all when i navigate in windows 10 explorer. but my C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020\Plugins\vrayplugins is my path, the path in the dll errors show a lower-case p for plugins could that be it?
all the errors say the specified module could not be found.
however i do see them all when i navigate in windows 10 explorer. but my C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020\Plugins\vrayplugins is my path, the path in the dll errors show a lower-case p for plugins could that be it?