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save glare separately of beauty

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  • #16
    [QUOTE=^Lele^;n1121137]@leo.surrealismo: if you *hide* (eye icon) the glare effect in the VFB, you will be able to save the image without the glare showing up in the beauty.
    I'd stick to AE if i were you, PS is too awkward with FP imagery.

    lele, what about when doing an animation where I sent the jobs thru backburner?
    I hope chaos would revert back this function as in vray next.



    • #17
      Originally posted by leo.surrealismo View Post
      lele, what about when doing an animation where I sent the jobs thru backburner
      For animation, you will want to re-multiply the plain glare.
      Saving the sequence with the glare in the beauty or not will then only be a matter of one more minus operation or not.
      I can show you how to get this done in AE, if you want, it's *really* very simple.

      I hope chaos would revert back this function as in vray next.
      The old behaviour will not come back, i'm afraid.
      Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

      The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


      • #18
        I can show you how to get this done in AE, if you want, it's *really* very simple.
        that would be great lele!



        • #19
          Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
          There is: I have clearly mentioned above that all that's needed is to hide the glare effect.
          Which means you can do a minus between the beauty with glare and the beauty without, and get the glare.

          This feels like a workaround, not like a proper solution. Also, this means saving twice. Which can not be done when things are rendered through BB or the like, unless you send two seperate render jobs.

          Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
          Meanwhile, it should be quite easy to get what you need from what gets saved now.

          For example, say you set your scene up, and render the Bloom and Glare with an intensity of 100.0 (Like in the attached example.).
          As the glare is done, you should save the file (either as separate or single file, with all the channels. Second or third entry in the File menu of the VFB2.).
          This saves the Glare at normal intensity (meaning, as if it was rendered with intensity of 1.0, not 100.0 as set. Something to keep in mind.), along with the glared beauty.

          Now, in your post application, you should load both the beauty and the glare channel.
          Multiply the normal-intensity glare by 100.0 (which was the oiginal glare intensity), and subtract it from the beauty.
          You're now left with your untouched beauty.

          Let me know if this is inpractical, or doesn't work for you.
          I hereby inform you that this is highly impracticle and does not work for us at all!
          Last edited by kosso_olli; 03-08-2021, 05:32 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
            In v4, intensity was baked in, and that meant that the *whole* glare element had to be recalculated, which would be expensive for big image sizes.
            We tested this of course. Without hardware acceleration (as our farm nodes do not have any graphics card), the glare calculation on an image 12k wide took around 8 seconds. I'd rather wait 8 seconds to see the glare result than spending 5 minutes and 25 steps to reconstruct something I can directly see in the VFB in an application like Photoshop. Not to mention the fact that doing calculations for the exposure by yourself is prone to errors. The old systems was fool-proof. Load glare, set it to add over the RGB without glare, done.

            And while we're at it: Although glare generation might be faster in 5, simple panning across the screen on a big image is still a nightmare. Panning across black areas, then waiting until the image appears.

            Last edited by kosso_olli; 03-08-2021, 06:06 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by leo.surrealismo View Post
              that would be great lele!
              Attached, the steps.
              Notice that without the proper Project Settings, you'll get garbage colors out. (that has however nothing to do with Glare, just with FP compositing in AE.)
              Notice i used a Levels effect, but any other such one would be fine (f.e. exposure).

              Let me know if something isn't clear.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by ^Lele^; 03-08-2021, 06:08 AM.
              Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

              The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.

