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Odd Issues with Distributed Rendering with VFB Regions

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  • Odd Issues with Distributed Rendering with VFB Regions

    Hello All,

    We are running into a reoccurring issue with distributed rendering. To the point, when we render a VFB region with distributed rendering, the V-Ray Sun and Dome Light are not being picked up by the DR nodes.
    • Render full image with VFB with local system and DR. Image looks good without issue.
    • Set a region render frame in the VFB and render with local and DR.
    • The result is that the local buckets are correct, but the DR buckets do not be pick up the V-Ray Sun and Dome light sources. This causes the DR bucked to render darker with a lot of noise than the local system buckets.
    • As for the render elements, VRayRawLighting and VRayRawShadow show no value with black buckets, while the local system renders properly. See image below. The right side is the VRayRawLighting render element. Note the empty black buckets (missing data.)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DR-Error.JPG
Views:	228
Size:	38.9 KB
ID:	1121314

    Question - What would cause DR to render properly with the local system, but upon using region render with DR, it appears the DR does not pick up the V-Ray sun or dome light. We are not sure what we may be missing.

    • 3ds Max 2020 with V-Ray Next update 3.2 on local and DR nodes.
    • DR nodes are on-premise.
    • Same Windows 10 version
    Thanks in advance for any assistance offered.

  • #2
    Hi there scb-vray,

    I made a simple DR test with V-Ray Next, update 3.2 on max 2020 but was unable to replicate such an issue. You mentioned it's recurring on your end, does that mean it happens with each scene? If it is project-specific, best might be to send it over via our contact form so we can have a look and troubleshoot. Make sure all assets are included and mention this thread (or my name) in the form message.

    If it does happen every time you use DR, you might want to check if you have some other plugins and see if the versions are matching on all the machines. How many render nodes are you using? Is there any difference when using CPU/GPU rendering? Moreover, you can go through this article to check some of the troubleshooting steps - If none of that helps, contacting us for a remote session is also an option. Thanks!
    Last edited by nikoleta.garkova; 05-08-2021, 02:24 AM.
    Nikoleta Garkova |

