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System Locks Up at Render End (again)

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  • System Locks Up at Render End (again)

    I had started a previous topic about this happening a different project:

    thought I got it sorted by disabling hardware acceleration for de-noiser.

    The problem remains. Now on a completely different project. I have two separate interior scenes files for renderings of two separate rooms (kitchen and bath). Both scenes hang at render end. Both are very simple scenes. Especially one of a small Bath Room. I have removed everything from the scene except what is visible. Using very few lights, geometry and no elaborate materials. Only one small wall with some displacement. No Forest Pack objects

    Both scenes files render perfectly . At render end Vray apples de-noiser and lens effects. All that completes. The completed rendering is in the VFB and looks as it should. But the system hangs/freezes. No cursor, no nothing, have to push the re-set button and hard reboot.

    I do not have any "save file" checked so I am trying to let it complete and then save from the frame buffer.

    My desired final resolution is 3800 x 2534. I have tried Bucket and that hangs. I was able to use progressive and stop it after sufficient quality had been achieved and then save from the frame buffer, but that does not always work and does not work on the somewhat more complicated, but still pretty simple, Kitchen scene.

    With the Kitchen I tried removing the render two elements I am using Vray De-noiser and Light Mix. Still hangs.

    I let it run in Progressive for 8 passes or so and stopped it without lock up. After 10 passes then if I stop the render, system locks up.

    Next I re-enabled the elements and tried rendering at 2000px that completed and could be saved. Then 2500px that also completed and could be saved. Then 3000px and that completed but system locked and had to do hard reboot.

    Because of this trouble shooting I do not think I have any odd objects or settings or etc in my scene that is causing his. But I have no idea what the problem may be. I never had this problem until recently and I have not made any changes to my system. Just keeping the software updated.

    This is very frustrating and causing alot of lost time and etc. I am desperate to get this fixed. BUT - I have no idea how to trouble shoot and figure out wtf is happening here. Any help very much appreciated. I need it. Thanks!
    Last edited by OPEN_RANGE; 26-09-2021, 09:06 AM.
    mark f.

    Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

    Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM

  • #2
    Did you try with displacement disabled?
    If you post the scene or link it then I have time to run it on my machine, which is higher spec, to see if it might be memory related or if I can spot something you missed.


    • #3
      Thanks! I will PM you a link to the archived scene file.

      Edit - I did not try without displacement. There is a wall in the Bath that absolutely must have displacement on it. I use displacement quite often and have not had problems. Also this is happening in both the Kitchen and the Bath and the Kitchen does not have the same object with displacement as the Bath.

      A rendering of the Bath is attached so you can see the room and how simple and small it is. I have to do some revisions. The client is hard to understand and I guess I put the floor tile on the wall and the wall tile on the floor so, need to revise that.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	master-bath01.jpg
Views:	263
Size:	211.4 KB
ID:	1125704

      Last edited by OPEN_RANGE; 26-09-2021, 10:40 AM.
      mark f.

      Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

      Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


      • #4
        Looks like it shouldn't be a problem but the displacement is the first thing that I'd look at as the culprit...
        Anyway, yes, link me the scene and we'll see what we can see

        If it's the displacement then a wall like that is fairly easily done with geometry I think.


        • #5
          Update. I made some revisions to the Bath scene and rendered at 3800 px again. I used progressive and let it run as before, for 80 passes @1:20. On the render progress window,instead of clicking the stop button I clicked the cancel button to stop the rendering (not 100% of the difference between stop vs cancel). The render stopped and the system Did Not lock up. I saved the render from the VFB.

          Then I decided to change the de-noiser from preset mild to preset default. Again, not using hardware acceleration. It took a while but the de-noiser update completed and then... System Lock Up requiring hard re-boot.

          So...maybe the problem I have is with the de-noiser? I really want to be able to use it so any help getting this sorted or suggestion or really anything is much appreciated.
          mark f.

          Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

          Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


          • #6
            Other than what I mentioned in the DM I just sent, I played with the denoiser settings and again there is no issue here.
            I meant to add that my test was using buckets.
            Maybe it a gfx card thing? I can't speak to that as my knowledge of potential issues/conflicts is limited...maybe someone else will input.



            • #7
              Update- I was able to get both the Kitchen and the Bath to render at 3800px without locking up, using Progressive with the Lens effects, De-Noiser, Light Mix. For the Master Bath I let it render for about 80 passes @1.5 hours and got a very clean image. For the Kitchen I got a good image in about 45 passes and @ 1 hour. For both I used "Cancel" vs "Stop" to end the rendering, still unsure what the difference is between those two. I saved as .exr from the VFB. After saving, I was also able to adjust lens effects (and got frisky and re-enabled "use hardware acceleration"), adjust light mix and de noiser without lock up.

              There are so many variables and different configs with the render elements, progressive vs buckets, how it's saved at the end and etc. that I don't honestly know what is happening or causing the lock ups. My preference, and what I have usually done on previous renderings, is to be able to use all the render elements, with hardware acceleration, render buckets at 3800px and have the save file box checked in the vray render settings. I have one more room to do, for now, and I will see how that goes re: all these lock up issues.
              mark f.

              Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

              Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


              • #8
                update. On to an even smaller and simpler room. Still having Lock up at render end.

                I have found that rendering at 3800px, using progressive at default settings. I let the render go until it looks pretty noise free. then i have 3 choice to stop the rendering. 1) the "abort render" icon/button in the VFB. 2) the Max "Stop" render button. 3) the Max "Cancel" render button. If I use "Cancel" it stops and I can save the image from the VFB. . If I use option 1 or 2 = System Lock.

                I sent the scene to another kind forum user and he rendered the scene with buckets and etc without experiencing the lock up trouble I am having.

                Does anyone have any idea what this may indicate as being the possible source of my problem(s)?
                mark f.

                Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

                Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


                • #9
                  Using option 1 and 2 still calculates lens effects and denoiser one last time. The issue is there it seems.


                  • #10
                    The way the lens effects and denoiser are applied does seem different. When using option 1 or 2 above, the max render progress window shows those render elements being applied after clicking Max stop or Vray abort.

                    when using Max cancel, that doesn’t happen, however the lens effects and de noiser are still applied to the image in the VFB and are present when saving the rendered image from the VFB. Also, after using Max cancel and saving from VFB, I can make adjustments to lens effects in VFB and resave the updated resulting image. Also can have hardware acceleration on in lens effects and still avoid lock up

                    I am able to turn the denoiser layer on and off in the VFB but I think trying to adjust it causes lock up, would need to confirm that, but I am reluctant to purposely lock up my system. I have hardware acceleration off for denoiser.
                    mark f.

                    Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

                    Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


                    • #11
                      another update - Using Progressive I can save the image, without System Lock Up, if I choose the Max cancel button. The rendered image in the VFB includes the denoiser result and lens effects. I can also adjust and update lens effects, de-noiser, light mix in the VFB, including using hardware acceleration, and save the updated image without lock up.

                      Using Progressive If I use Max Stop button or VFB "Abort" button system Locks Up. If I render with buckets, my normal choice for final image, on render end - System Lock
                      mark f.

                      Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

                      Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


                      • #12
                        Best you send the scene via the contact form so we can take a look. Mention me and include a link to this thread in the message.
                        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                        • #13
                          Aleksander, I have submitted this via the contact form as you asked.
                          mark f.

                          Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

                          Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM

