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Trying to import vrscene in max but getting different lighting.

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  • Trying to import vrscene in max but getting different lighting.

    Im trying to export a vrscene that has only lights and then use it with a geometry in a 3ds max scene.
    The problem is that the light does not match
    Click image for larger version

Name:	diff.jpg
Views:	322
Size:	128.3 KB
ID:	1127044
    On the right image, I have exported the whole scene (geometry and light) and import in a new 3ds max scene, and everything is as it should.
    On the left image, I have exported only the lights as vrscene and the geometry as fbx, when I import these two parts into a new 3ds max scene Im not getting the same light.

    Is there some additional thing that I need to set, or does the geometry always needs to be included in the vrscene?

    Here are all the files that I used for testing: chaos_forum_vrayScene_import_issue.rar

  • #2
    Hi, when I try to render something from "composited_scene" I get no light. Only black image with remaining alpha. Light from the vrayscene import is correctly present but seems to do nothing.
    Replacing a new light, the appearance of the object is the same as from the "original_scene". mhm...


    • #3
      I managed to reproduce the issue. I've logged it (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-11510) for developer investigation. It seems to happen in the 3ds Max integrated version of V-Ray only. As a workaround, you can render the scene through Standalone (RMB in viewport > .vrscene Exporter > Export and Render).
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us

