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Vray Dirt takes ages to compile geometry in Update 2

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  • Vray Dirt takes ages to compile geometry in Update 2

    I tried the update 2 and a scene that I used Vray dirt it takes ages to compile the geometry.
    Its like it will never even finish that stage.
    This happens as Vray Dirt is used as a map for blending 2 materials.
    If, whenever this happens, I choose only Ambient Occlusion Mode, it works. But the result is not the right one as in the Default, Ambient + inner occlusion.
    If I choose Inner occlusion only, it still happens. (it never passes / finishes the compile geometry stage)
    This never was an issue with the previous version.
    Dual Xeon 2690 v3, Asus Z10PE-D8 WS, 64GB, SSD Win10, TitanX(Maxwell)

  • #2

    This sounds problematic. I tried to reproduce it but with no luck so far.
    Can you please send us a simplified scene so that we can investigate the problem? It will help us a lot!
    You can send it to our 3D Support team using this form
    Please, mention this thread so that it's all connected.

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards,
    Margarita Stoeva |
    Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)


    • #3
      I just completed the form and submitted the file.
      Thank you for your help.
      Dual Xeon 2690 v3, Asus Z10PE-D8 WS, 64GB, SSD Win10, TitanX(Maxwell)


      • #4
        Thank you!

        I got your scene and we're looking into the problem now.
        I logged it in our internal system and you can refer to it with this key VMAX-11570 when you contact anyone from Chaos.

        Best regards,
        Margarita Stoeva |
        Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)


        • #5

          I have some good news:
          We have fixed the issue reported to this thread in V-Ray 5 Update 2.1 which we released today.
          The geometry in the provided scene is now compiled with proper timing in my tests. I don't have the exact maps you used in your scene so keep in touch if there is still something odd after installing the hotfix.
          Also, have in mind that we implemented more precise displacement calculation with blended materials in V-Ray 5 Update2 so this is expected to add up to render time a little compared to V-Ray 5 Update1.3.

          Best regards,

          Margarita Stoeva |
          Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)


          • #6
            I just test it.
            Yes it works!
            Thank you very much for your help!

            Dual Xeon 2690 v3, Asus Z10PE-D8 WS, 64GB, SSD Win10, TitanX(Maxwell)

