if I put a VRayMultiSubTexture in the FogColor for the VRayMtl with various colors there is an issue when using ObjectID's (instead of MaterialID's).
In that case the VRayMultiSubtexture seems to be ignored and just the default color is chosen no which ObjectID is assigned
If the VRayMultiSubtexture is set to MaterialID and I assign a different MaterialID to each Object then it seems to work.
if I put a VRayMultiSubTexture in the FogColor for the VRayMtl with various colors there is an issue when using ObjectID's (instead of MaterialID's).
In that case the VRayMultiSubtexture seems to be ignored and just the default color is chosen no which ObjectID is assigned
If the VRayMultiSubtexture is set to MaterialID and I assign a different MaterialID to each Object then it seems to work.