Hi there,
In order to export world space normals of my whole scene (with bump mapping), I use the SamplerInfo texture from the Render elements. But whatever I do, the negative values are never stored in my saved image (EXR half floating point). I tried to use the SamplerInfo texture in the "Bake to texture" tool, and then the result is as expected (it shows black negative values).

Left: SamplerInfo in Bake to texture tool. Negative values are black. Saved to EXR and verified in Photoshop, negative values are conserved.
Right: SamplerInfo in Render elements. Negative values exist (I see them with the picker of the frame buffer) BUT they are not black. Saved to EXR and verified in Photoshop, negative values doesn't exist anymore.
Both SamplerInfo textures are set to signed (vector).
Is there some clampling occuring during the save process? Or am I missing something?
In order to export world space normals of my whole scene (with bump mapping), I use the SamplerInfo texture from the Render elements. But whatever I do, the negative values are never stored in my saved image (EXR half floating point). I tried to use the SamplerInfo texture in the "Bake to texture" tool, and then the result is as expected (it shows black negative values).
Left: SamplerInfo in Bake to texture tool. Negative values are black. Saved to EXR and verified in Photoshop, negative values are conserved.
Right: SamplerInfo in Render elements. Negative values exist (I see them with the picker of the frame buffer) BUT they are not black. Saved to EXR and verified in Photoshop, negative values doesn't exist anymore.
Both SamplerInfo textures are set to signed (vector).
Is there some clampling occuring during the save process? Or am I missing something?