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Position of the V-Ray meassages window will not be stored closing the session

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  • Position of the V-Ray meassages window will not be stored closing the session

    Every new session shows the upcoming V-Ray messages window on the same position. Every time I have to move it to another position, but with every new start it has the old position where it disturbes me. How to set or save a desired position of that window?
    Workstation: Ryzen 9 5950x @ 4,20GHz 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P5000, Win10 Prof.<br>Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2990wx 64 GB RAM, Win 10 Prof. MAX 2025.2, VRay 6.2, ForestPack, RailClone, RichDirt, KStudio ProjectManager....

  • #2
    Hi you could dock it somewhere. The V-Ray log window can be docked to the 3ds max's panels or within the VFB.

    Here is how to undock it from the VFB:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-02-07_10-56-00.jpg
Views:	219
Size:	120.7 KB
ID:	1139106

    Here is how you bring it back to the VFB if you have docket it within the 3ds max's panels:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-02-07_10-56-48.jpg
Views:	199
Size:	144.7 KB
ID:	1139107

    If you have it floating the easiest way to bring it back to the VFB is by clicking in the empty space that is left in the log tab:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-02-07_10-59-47.jpg
Views:	203
Size:	83.9 KB
ID:	1139108

    Is this you question or you actually have it docked but after you save and reopen the scene, the V-Ray log window is no longer in the place you have docked it?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hello Vladimir,
      thank you for your help. May it be that the log window is different from the VRay messages window? Please see my scrennshot. In the VFB window I have no Log part on the right side. But when I click on the "Show log" button on the lower right of the VFB window the "V-Ray messages" window pops up. But different to the Log of your screenshots I have no time stamps in front of the rows. Also when I move the "VRay messages" window to the MAX panels it doesn´t dock there. My MAX Version is 2021.3.2 Security Fix and VRay 5.update 1.2
      Attached Files
      Workstation: Ryzen 9 5950x @ 4,20GHz 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P5000, Win10 Prof.<br>Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2990wx 64 GB RAM, Win 10 Prof. MAX 2025.2, VRay 6.2, ForestPack, RailClone, RichDirt, KStudio ProjectManager....


      • #4
        Hi you are correct.
        The difference comes from the fact that I am showing you how things are in VRay 5, update 2.2 (latest version) . In your version (VRay 5, update 1.2) the VRay Log (messages) window does not have the upgrade and can not be docked.
        If you would like to update to the latest version of VRay here is the link -
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Thank you very much!
          Workstation: Ryzen 9 5950x @ 4,20GHz 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P5000, Win10 Prof.<br>Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2990wx 64 GB RAM, Win 10 Prof. MAX 2025.2, VRay 6.2, ForestPack, RailClone, RichDirt, KStudio ProjectManager....


          • #6
            Thank you once again, Vladimir! As I had no time because of high workload I didn´t note the one sentence regarding this update in the feature list: "Faster UI loading time for most commonly used materials." And this is really a great improvement! This is now as quick as with the Physical Materials in 3dsMAX. And also the Render Setup window comes up 10 times faster. Great job, Vladimir and Choas Group!
            Workstation: Ryzen 9 5950x @ 4,20GHz 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P5000, Win10 Prof.<br>Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2990wx 64 GB RAM, Win 10 Prof. MAX 2025.2, VRay 6.2, ForestPack, RailClone, RichDirt, KStudio ProjectManager....


            • #7
              Thank you for the kind words.
              Vladimir Krastev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us

