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Stationary V-Ray Clipper moving in sequence rendering

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  • Stationary V-Ray Clipper moving in sequence rendering

    I found this strange problem in my current project. The only moving object in my scene is camera. However, the clipper object seems to move with camera when rendering the frame range sequence. The strange thing is that if I render the sequence frame by frame, it works correctly. I see no other option than render the sequence one frame at the time. After saving rendered frame, I can manually move to next frame for rendering.

  • #2
    My workaround was to modify the clipper box object. I made the box very long so it covers the entire clipping geometry even when moving.

    However the initial problem is still unsolved. What moves clipping box along the camera path in sequential rendering, but not in single frame rendering?


    • #3
      Hi could you send us a scene with the issue so we can review? You can do that here in the thread or though our contact form.
      Vladimir Krastev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4

        I don't think the client let's me share this model; it has very long NDA chain.

        Hasn't anyone else seen this, that stationary are moving in sequence rendering but not on single frame rendering? Maybe this isn't V-Ray related at all.

