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Bad Iges representation

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  • Bad Iges representation

    I'm importing a model with nPower plugin, by color elements, as I have tons of differents elements, yhats why i'm doing it this way.

    When render time comes, there is huge gaps in between geometry, wich is not a problem with scanline, wich reads it perfectly.

    whats the setting I'm missing in VRay?

    Alain Blanchette

  • #2
    have you got vray materials on everything??
    Chris Jackson


    • #3
      what do you mean with "huge gaps" ? if you mean "black polygons" the problem is most likely that the mesh is double sided.

      There is a checkbox in the BREP Object to create a "2-sided Mesh". Just turn it off and it should render fine.



      • #4
        when importing you need to Unify the normals if nPower allows you?


        • #5
          We use Rhino2Max all the time. If you send me a piece of geometry that you have trouble with (in .3DM), I can try to open it. There's a couple tricks.


          • #6
            Jacks02 - default material or Vray mat dosen't make a difference

            Instinct - The mesh is not double sided, I did re-import it about 5 times trying all the differents options in the import dialog box (and the import process takes about half an hour!!!).. the problem really happens at render time, cause as I said, works fine with scanline

            natty - For the unify normals, I've put all my base materials 2 sided, don't know the nPower thing that much, but where all the faces are in the good direction, i'm still having the problem..

            apexmotion - Thanks for your offer, but I would get a foot up my ... if ever I would send this model out of here. I'm not using Rinho, but Catia, that's why i'm using the Iges format, wich seems to be the best one for the operation, well I think

            I'm kinda of making myself the problem as I'm trying to import by faces instead of by 1 total element,, but that's baddly what I need for this one..
            When importing Iges as one object, it works really fine..

            Thanks for your replies
            Alain Blanchette


            • #7
              The 2-sided option is NOT in the import dialogue, but in the brep-objects modifier rollouts. If it works with scanline you got a 80% chance that is the problem as the scanline renderer doesnt have a prob with doublesided objects.

              What helps mostly is turning the "secondary ray bias" up a little. But it´s better to have single sided meshes.

              The option is in the operator rollout of the brep objects :



              • #8
                It is off

                This one helps to shrin the gaps:
                Operator parameters: F
                Render Viewport meshn
                Size dependant approx instead of view dependant..

                Hopfully that wil be good enough.. but I have to change the 968 objects 1 by one now, or can I do it all at once

                Thanks instinct
                Alain Blanchette


                • #9
                  that sounds like you´ve got un-sewed/joined edges. Try switching to Smoothshaded view and go into the edges subobject mode...any edge that is BLUE is an open edge. you might have to fix (aka sew/join) them to get rid of the gaps.

                  To change the all you could jsut select them all hit the editbrep object button and change the settings you need to change.



                  • #10
                    You can change all the meshes at once.

                    Just select all the meshes you want to change. Go to the Create Panel, Select Power Solids/Translators from the drop down and PowerBREP (I'm doing this from memory right now, so the names might be off a smidge).

                    Any options you select get put on all selected meshes.

                    Also call David Gill at NPower support number. He's very very helpful.

