Hi, i have very big problems with these scene:

GI has gone ?!?! What's going on ???
Every material in the scene -> vraymat, glass stuff -> vraymat or vrayegzmat...but it still doesn't work...once it's rendering right, once it's rendering wrong
p.s. vraylog is full of warnings: "Material returned overbright or invalid color (object "set20_kinkiet_23", RGB: -8,68749 -8,68749 -8,1115

GI has gone ?!?! What's going on ???
Every material in the scene -> vraymat, glass stuff -> vraymat or vrayegzmat...but it still doesn't work...once it's rendering right, once it's rendering wrong

p.s. vraylog is full of warnings: "Material returned overbright or invalid color (object "set20_kinkiet_23", RGB: -8,68749 -8,68749 -8,1115
