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Fog color in VrayToonMtl not working properly

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  • Fog color in VrayToonMtl not working properly

    I seem to have encountered a rather weird problem, I created a VrayToonMtl with a refraction and a fog color, which rendered normally with the interactive render, but when I switched to the production render, it seems that is stopped registering the fog color, and renders it as if it's clear water.
    so for some reason the fog color works in a VrayToonMtl in the interactive render, but doesn't in the production render.
    A work around could be to set a specific resolution for the interactive render, so if someone can point to where I can do that, that would be great.


    I'm using 3Ds Max 2021, and Vray 5.00.03

  • #2
    Hi I tested what you are describing but on my end the fog color renders with production rendering and not with IPR. Could you confirm that this is what's happening or there is actually different behavior on your setup?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for your help, I didn't test IPR specifically, I have it setup to production rendering, but I turn on the interactive render in the VFB, the problem is that the fog color in a VrayToonMtl works in the interactive render, but not in the normal production render.

