Would appreciate some help when rendering large (15000x15000 pixel) images please?
My normal workflow is render as a Vrimg file so I get all the render passes in one file - then open in Photoshop as I have the Open EXR plugin installed. BUT recently i'm getting a 'not enough RAM' error in latest Photoshop and the files won't open even though in task manage i'm only using 25% of my 128GB ram
Any tips for a decent workflow to open large files rendered in Vray in Photoshop?
My normal workflow is render as a Vrimg file so I get all the render passes in one file - then open in Photoshop as I have the Open EXR plugin installed. BUT recently i'm getting a 'not enough RAM' error in latest Photoshop and the files won't open even though in task manage i'm only using 25% of my 128GB ram
Any tips for a decent workflow to open large files rendered in Vray in Photoshop?