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VRay Bitmap Lock Texture To Icon not working with Matte properties

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  • VRay Bitmap Lock Texture To Icon not working with Matte properties


    SO when using the Lock Texture to Icon in VRay bitmap it does not apply to the VRay Bitmap if used as Environment background as well.
    Which I have to use if I am to take advantage of the Matte properties.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	114
Size:	65.0 KB
ID:	1143987

    Is there a workaround to this?

  • #2
    How or why is the Env. Background constrained to functionalities of Matte properties?


    • #3
      Not sure I understand the question.
      The Env Background is not constrained to the Matte functionality.
      However, the classic setup for using matte as a shadow catcher in this case needs a bitmap as the background, so we can see the background through the matte surface.
      So when using an HDR/VRay bitmap in both the Domelight AND as a env. background, you only get the Lock Texture to Icon functionality added to the visible Domelight not the VRaybitmap itself.

      Did that make sense?


      • #4
        Hi DestinHalfmann if I understand correctly your initial post I would say the V-Ray Dome Light "lock texture to icon" check box does not affect the texture itself. Therefore if you use the same texture as background it will not move when you rotate the dome light.
        In order to rotate the texture and respectively the shadow you have to use the settings in the VRayBitmap

        Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-03-30_16-11-27.jpg
Views:	167
Size:	11.7 KB
ID:	1144070
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

