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Adaptive Bucket Splitting - Not working?

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  • Adaptive Bucket Splitting - Not working?


    I am using vray 5.2.3 and i don´t think adaptive splitting buckets works very well.

    In a lot of scenes, i barely see any splitting and sometimes a big bucket get´s stuck. See attachments.

    Any ideas?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    I guess i have the same problem. No bucket splitting.


    • #3

      Adaptive bucket splitting works only for local renderings. More details here

      Best regards,
      The latest V-Ray for 3ds Max hotfix makes bucket rendering faster than ever before. Find out how Chaos’ clever algorithm solved this age-old computing problem.
      Yavor Rubenov
      V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


      • #4
        Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post

        Adaptive bucket splitting works only for local renderings. More details here

        Best regards,
        Fair enough! Tks for letting us know


        • #5
          Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post

          Adaptive bucket splitting works only for local renderings.
          Tested and it's great, unfortunately in my rendering hardware setup I use 99% of time distribuited rendering, so I hope you'll find an efficient way to port it to DR.
          Meanwhile, I think that for user with high numbers cores local PC it's really a great feature.
          Thank you


          • #6
            Seems not working for me... I'm using local rendering, irradiance map + LC. I tried to force bucket splitting on several scenes, but without success. I initially set bucket size to 48, and last buckets don't split. I have latest version installed. Where can be the problem? I render with Threadripper 3990 WX.
            Last edited by Pixel_Domain; 24-04-2022, 09:09 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pixel_Domain View Post
              Seems not working for me... I'm using local rendering, irradiance map + LC. I tried to force bucket splitting on several scenes, but without success. I initially set bucket size to 48, and last buckets don't split. I have latest version installed. Where can be the problem? I render with Threadripper 3990 WX.
              Try with even larger bucket size. 100-200-1000. It is not ultra automatic and fast splitting, but works.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pixel_Domain View Post
                Seems not working for me... I'm using local rendering, irradiance map + LC. I tried to force bucket splitting on several scenes, but without success. I initially set bucket size to 48, and last buckets don't split. I have latest version installed. Where can be the problem? I render with Threadripper 3990 WX.
                Iirc Irradiance map is the problem, use Brute force instead.
                Sooner or later Irradiance map will - unfortunately - be removed from VRay, so you better start getting used to the Brute Force instead.
                Simply, I love to put pixels together! Sounds easy right : ))
                Sketchbook-1 /Sketchbook-2 / Behance / Facebook


                • #9
                  The way adaptive splitting works isn't compatible with how the IRMap works.
                  As mentioned (in the render log too.), it will be gone in the near future, as its obsolescence is too often in the way of progress.
                  The suggestion is to use a higher noise threshold, and denoise the results instead.
                  You can do so per-render element too, to recomposite the beauty render mimicking the low-noise GI of IRMap while maintaining low rendertimes, if this is what you'd like.
                  Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                  The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                  • #10
                    Ive found adaptive splitting is working really by making my default bucket size huge. Ive got a 3990 cpu so with 128 buckets, Ill set the size to be up to 512 depending on the scene, and the splitting happens almost immediately. Also any areas that can be rendered by a 512 bucket, do so, which speeds things up. So far Ive not found any draw backs with making the bucket size much much bigger than Id normally use, but I'll keep testing.

                    I do wish there was an option to turn off adaptive splitting so I could test times without it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by seandunderdale View Post
                      Ive found adaptive splitting is working really by making my default bucket size huge. Ive got a 3990 cpu so with 128 buckets, Ill set the size to be up to 512 depending on the scene, and the splitting happens almost immediately. Also any areas that can be rendered by a 512 bucket, do so, which speeds things up. So far Ive not found any draw backs with making the bucket size much much bigger than Id normally use, but I'll keep testing.
                      For the OP the issue is with the IRMap, so V-Ray resorts to the old, naive threshold splitting.
                      In your case, with the huge buckets, the only drawback is memory increase (it's ofc scene dependent, but small buckets mean less data to keep in RAM).
                      Speed should always be lower than with smaller buckets as those would force more border sampling.
                      The border sampling issues that arise at the end of the rendering phase, when the buckets become minute, have shown to be negligible in our tests, in that they are well re-absorbed by the higher core count keeping busy.

                      I do wish there was an option to turn off adaptive splitting so I could test times without it.
                      renderers.current.system_region_allow_dynamic_buckets = 0
                      will turn off any bucket splitting
                      renderers.current.system_region_allow_dynamic_buckets = 1
                      is the default, the new Adaptive bucket splitting
                      renderers.current.system_region_allow_dynamic_buckets = 2
                      will set v-ray to use the threshold splitting (the one used before the new algo)
                      As it's a render setting option, resetting the render settings (switch to scanline and back, max new session, reset or file load) will clear the option too (or load the one set in another max file).

                      Have fun testing.
                      Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                      The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.

