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Performance and resetting issues with VrayOSLTex

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  • Performance and resetting issues with VrayOSLTex

    I've got two major problems with VrayOSL tex:
    1) I'm trying to redo my max osl stuff with vrayosl and when I try to convert it, the vray version just tanks in performance. The max one handles multiple outputs internally, but the vray one needs VrayOSLOutputSelector nodes, which seem to reevaluate the tree each time, which then completely tanks the performance. I could be wrong on this but it sounds plausible. Fact is, the performance is really bad in comparison. Orders of magnitude slower.
    2) The VrayOutputSelector nodes lose their settings on max or scene reload. My guess is that the quick shader in the VrayOslTex is recompiling and the Outputselector nodes then lose their setting. (edit: they also reset when an .osl shader is loaded from disk)

    I can't upload the scene file here directly so please let me know where to send the file privately with additional explanations (it's a bit complicated).
    Attached Files
    Last edited by racoonart; 06-05-2022, 01:44 AM.

  • #2
    Hi you can upload your scene through our support contact form. It will be visible only for our support team.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
      Hi you can upload your scene through our support contact form. It will be visible only for our support team.
      This doesn't seem to work for me. And yes, I'm logged in.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Try this link -
        Sorry for the inconvenience.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
          Try this link -
          Sorry for the inconvenience.
          Thanks! I've uploaded it and it has the ID #37607


          • #6
            Hi we reviewed your scene carefully.

            The slow down issue is reported in our bug tracking system for developer review under VSLANG-169

            The VRayOSLOutputSelector resetting issue is reported in our bug tracking system for developer review under VSLANG-168

            For now you could load an osl file as a workaround to the resetting issue. If you copy your shader in a text file and save it as .osl, disable the quick shader checkbox and load the .osl file there will be no more resetting.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-05-16_13-44-46.jpg
Views:	231
Size:	61.0 KB
ID:	1148184

            Also the values in parameters tab will be dialled back to default. You will have to re-enter them manually.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-05-16_14-07-40.jpg
Views:	210
Size:	32.9 KB
ID:	1148185
            Vladimir Krastev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
              Hi we reviewed your scene carefully.
              For now you could load an osl file as a workaround to the resetting issue. If you copy your shader in a text file and save it as .osl, disable the quick shader checkbox and load the .osl file there will be no more resetting.
              Thanks for the update!
              Odd, I was sure I had tried that and thought it had reset as well. But I tried it again now and it seems to work, my bad. Still, with the slow down it's unfortunately not going to help us at the moment. I have to wait for at least this performance issue to be resolved.
              Last edited by racoonart; 16-05-2022, 04:26 AM.


              • #8
                Hi, the VRayOSLOutputSelector resetting issue is fixed. If you'd like, download the latest version and test it.
                Vladimir Krastev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us

