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vrayextratex render element GPU white background black edge lines 1px

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  • vrayextratex render element GPU white background black edge lines 1px

    hi. i'm using GPU and vrayextratex. i tried setting the edge color to black and in the render element set the background to white. i'm doing a render from above looking down onto all geometry, and the black lines with white background isn't working. however, white lines with black background(in the render element) is working.

    any thoughts?


  • #2
    Hi could you give us a bit more details about your setup?

    What have you loaded in the VRayExtraTex texture slot?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2022-05-12_14-18-32.jpg
Views:	199
Size:	29.4 KB
ID:	1147956

    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      s_gru This seems normal (occurs with CPU also) since the rest of the object (everything but the edges) are shaded black, where usually, the diffuse color is visible there. You'd be better off rendering it white on a black background and inverting it in post.
      Last edited by hermit.crab; 12-05-2022, 10:16 AM.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        here's a quick scene i created. yeah so it seems that the background is the actual 3ds max background. but in this, i did get a point where the background was white and the black edges were either too thick which made everything solid black or i had to switch back to white lines. in theory, and this is what i did the other day, just drop the lines into photoshop and invert the layer. see attached test scene
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Originally posted by s_gru View Post
          so it seems that the background is the actual 3ds max background.
          The VRayExtraTex has its own background color parameter, which works similar to the 3ds max native background (alpha based).

          Actually, you can easily invert the texture within 3ds Max by plugging the VRayEdgesTex into an Output node and ticking the Invert option. Set the ExtraTex's background to white and you're good to go.

          Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            oh ok thanks. so not limited to just 1 map or whatever in there. you can add that node and then plug it in. nice. thanks!

