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VrayDecal issues with VrayUserScalar + UV problems

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  • VrayDecal issues with VrayUserScalar + UV problems

    I'm not entirely sure if this counts as issues or feature requests but here it goes:
    1) I noticed that a material with a vrayuserproperty nodes (Scalar/Color..) will use the object it's projected on instead of the decal object itself. This might sound like a good idea in theory and I could imagine a few cases where this could be handy but I would like to control the decal objects, not the projection per pixel (which quite frankly it is in the end). So long story short: the userproperties should be read from the decal object.
    2) There is currently no way to modify the UVs of the decal. I assume this is as designed but we're usually using decal atlas maps with tons of them on one sheet, so splitting it up now into hundreds of separate decals is a bit of a problem, both management and workflow wise. Would it be possible to get some way to modify the decal uvs? Preferably by the usual uv tools in max or if not possible otherwise by a dedicated coordinates rollout. I know this is kinda of a specialised problem... probably.

  • #2
    Thanks for the report. I've logged the first issue (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-12193). As for the second, sounds like a good idea - I'll notify the project manager about it and see if we can allocate resources for its implementation.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

