We have a problem rendering Forest invisible to camera.
It's pretty easy to reproduce, a simple teapot in a Forest and put it invisible to cam.
Changing Max Transparency Levels off course resolve partially the problem (if you don't have too munch objects in the forest) but increase drastically the render times...
Collapsing the forest in objets revolve totally the problem.
So i tough it was a Forest bug so i reported it : https://forum.itoosoft.com/forest-pr...l-render-bits/
But it seems vray handle Forest object differently.
Confirmed with 2 pipelines : 3dsmax 2021 & Forest 6 and 3dsmax 2022 & Forest 7.4.1
That's a damn bug we face on every productions.
Could be cool to find a fix or workaround one day
Thanks !
We have a problem rendering Forest invisible to camera.
It's pretty easy to reproduce, a simple teapot in a Forest and put it invisible to cam.
Changing Max Transparency Levels off course resolve partially the problem (if you don't have too munch objects in the forest) but increase drastically the render times...
Collapsing the forest in objets revolve totally the problem.
So i tough it was a Forest bug so i reported it : https://forum.itoosoft.com/forest-pr...l-render-bits/
But it seems vray handle Forest object differently.
Confirmed with 2 pipelines : 3dsmax 2021 & Forest 6 and 3dsmax 2022 & Forest 7.4.1
That's a damn bug we face on every productions.
Could be cool to find a fix or workaround one day

Thanks !