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No cryptomatte channel in Nuke from Vray

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  • No cryptomatte channel in Nuke from Vray

    Hello, I just switched to Max2022 with Vray 5 update 2.2 and I am experiencing an anomaly that I have not been able to solve. When I add the cryptomatte pass in render elements it shows up in the Vray frame buffer and I can save it out from the frame buffer and bring it into Nuke and see the channel, however if I render through the vray frame buffer to a file on disk and bring that file into Nuke I do not get the cryptomatte channel.

    I tried various things like 32-bit image format, deep, deleting other render elements and looking at the vray log to see if there are any errors and I was not able to find any outnesses.

    Does anyone know what this could be or have run into this before?

    I am running on Windows 10 with Nuke 12.1v4 and cryptomatte version 1.4.0.


    Best, Christian

  • #2
    Both output options should preserve the Cryptomatte. Are you saving a multichannel image?
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Yes, it's a multimatte image that I was trying to render deep, but I tried it both ways too and I got the same result with both. I did not try rendering from the max framebuffer. I will try that and let you know.

      Best, Christian


      • #4
        Cryptomatte is not supported in deep, its probably why you can't see it. It suppose to work just fine with regular multichannel exr, some times nuke does not refresh it properly. If you create cryptomatte node it should see it from regular exr.
        Dmitry Vinnik
        Silhouette Images Inc.


        • #5
          ok, well that explains that. Thanks for your reply on this.

          best, Christian

