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Vray-clipper with mesh not cutting object

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  • Vray-clipper with mesh not cutting object

    Hi, i'm trying to use the Vray clipper object to cut a section of my model away, however when rendering it is rendering the mesh of the clipper instead of interesting.
    The vray clipper object in just plane mode works, but when i select a mesh it converts to rendering the mesh object selected. (as shown in the screen shot).

    Sorry as this is my first post so not sure what other information I would need to share so please let me know, I've included a screen shot of the working bits of 3ds max with settings.
    I tried to upload a copy of the file but it is too big to upload (any recommendations?)

    For reference I am using 3ds Max 2021.3.6 and vray5_max2021

    I'm sure i've not pressed a certain button somewhere or something silly like that....

  • #2
    Hi I can't say much without the scene. From your screen grab the settings seem correct. Here is the docs page if you haven't read it.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I've uploaded the file to google drive here


      • #4
        okay from playing around a bit more i've got it to work, not sure if this was the actual issue but its a workaround for whatever the underlying issue is...

        If i create the Vray clipper object with mesh mode activated before I create the object it shows what I previously shared (rendering the mesh)
        If however I have the mesh mode deactivated on the clipper object before I make it, create the clipper object and then in the settings turn it on and select a mesh it then functions as expected.


        • #5
          are you rendering with IPR? I am having this sometimes when IPR still active. Hitting refresh, solve this problem always


          • #6
            Hi caypiranha, thanks for your reply, yes this was with IPR, however i tried stopping, pausing and restarting and it was always rendering the object.

