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vraydirt radius doesnt scale with exported vrscene

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  • vraydirt radius doesnt scale with exported vrscene

    im exporting a model for a friend to use in maya... it comes in massive but a simple scale to 10% fixes it .. everything works apart from the AO maps... before he scales it it matches my test renders pretty closely... after scaling down , anything with vraydirt on looks wrong, like scale is too big.

    triplanar works, scaling correctly with the vrscene, but dirt... nope!

    its a pain cos i have to do any material tweaks..

  • #2
    Probably some kind of a scene unit mismatch. Anyway, the VRayDirt radius is in scene units so that's why a simple scale won't work. You can easily override the radius through the Override Snippet (VRayScene>Scene Overrides). To do that open the .vrscene in a text editor, find the Dirt map, and copy the plugin name and the parameters, which you wish to override. The snippet code should look something like this:
    TexDirt Map__1@tex_0 {
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      thanks for the pointer.. be nice if there was a scripted tool which made a UI for all the editable parameters.... having said that there are probably quite a few in a typical vrscene!

