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Vray Scatter not working with Distributed rendering.

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  • Vray Scatter not working with Distributed rendering.

    I've been testing out Vray scatter together with Vray Cosmos since Vray 6 was released and I can say I'm very excited about it, however sometime last week the Scatter objects stopped rendering properly when using distributed render.

    My computer can see and render the objects, but my rendernodes can not.

    All my Cosmos assets are saved on a network drive that all the computers have access to (I have doublechecked before writing). My rendernodes can fine the other Cosmos assets used in the scene, like textures are rendered and found by the rendernodes, so it is only the scatter objects that are not rendered. The Scatter objects rendered fine using distributed rendering last week and I have not changed anything since then. I have tried to restart all the computers as well as deleting and making the Scatter object anew.
    I have tested with multiple scenes, in one of the scenes I tested, one Scatter object worked, and the other didn't, one was a copy of the other and no other settings had been changed other than the scatter surface.

    I did update Cosmos on my workstation, but I don't think the problem coincided with the render problem.

    Any idea on what could be the problem?

  • #2
    Hi what happens if you replace all scattered instances that are Cosmos models with boxes and test render? Do they render fine or again disappear on the slave machines distributed rendering?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I did a quick test where i replaced all the proxy objects with a normal box object, the results are the same, my computer sees the objects, but my rendernodes do not.


      • #4
        Hi what happens if you try to render the same scene with the boxes locally on one of the rendernodes?
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Hello, I noticed this thread has not been solved and I was wondering if anyone has figured it out? I am having the same issue with distributed rendering and scattering cosmos assets (specifically one of the grass lawn presets). My scene renders just fine on one computer but when I hook up the scene to distributed rendering, my render nodes from my additional computers do not render any of the scattered grass.


          • #6
            Hi, thanks for posting. You have to make sure the render nodes "see" the same path to the mesh files and textures as your workstation. Cosmos i downloaded by default on a local drive.
            Vladimir Krastev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              All the assets are all downloaded onto our network. both the reference links and the cosmos browser's default download location are directed to our network (I just double checked). When distributed rendering starts, it appears the assets are all there during the building rendering initialization, but as soon as each node finishes its render, the assets are gone. this doesn't happen to the tree preset in the scene (Forest 001), only the lawn preset (Grass Lawn 001). each computer can render the scene fine by itself, but when distributed rendering is activated, only the local computer's nodes will render the grass, all other computer nodes do not.


              • #8
                Do you have Chaos Scatter for both the trees and grass or only for the grass? Have you tried to render the scene locally on the nodes that cause issues and if you haven't and if you can, please do and share the results. Also you could send us the scene for review. Please do that here or trough the ticketing system. If you go down the ticketing route please include a link to this thread in your e-mail.
                Vladimir Krastev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #9
                  Did this issue get solved? We're having a similar issue but with the Cosmos element, not using scatter. it seems that there's a problem with read/write permissions with the .TX files.
                  I can render on my own machine but when sent through the network to the same machine it fails everytime. The Max log points to the .TX files with this error

                  ERR: [29652] [16856] Could not read/write file type: \\xxxxxxxxx\xx\xx\3D Library ASSETS AND TEXTURES\COSMOS LIBRARY\Packages\Materials\Ground\Grass_Dry_Leaves _39-53_200cm_39cad7fe\39cad7fe_Refl_4k_srgb.tx

