Hello folks! I have a few questions. Whenever I am working in my frame buffer, it defaults to a display correction of sRGB.
I noticed there is also a display correction for Gamma 2.2...
Toggling between these two in the VFB setting yield different results.

When I save out the image from my frame buffer.... even when pointed on sRGB Display Correction, it saves as the Gamma 2.2 version. On top of that I get... *almost* the same look as Gamma 2.2 in but it's slightly more lifted.

Similar discrepancy to above, I can copy from the clip board when in sRGB mode and get a close to sRGB result but with the same offset in shadow darkness as we see in the above comparison.
So some questions..
1. What is the difference between srgb and gamma 2.2 display corrections?
2. Which one should I be working in as a good standard/best practice?
3. Why do I default to Display Corrections in sRGB if they default save as Gamma 2.2?
4. Why is there a subtle lift in shadow quality, between my frame buffer versus when saved? (Tried saving as multiple file formats to rule out.)
5. Is there a more practical way to save my image as it appears in the sRGB Display Correction than Copying to my clip board and pasting into Photoshop?
My goal is to get the sRGB version as it looks is the VFB, so save in an image file and look like a 1:1. I'm loosing too much localized contrast for my liking and don't quite understand why there's these discrepancies.
Thanks for your brains!
Other useful context: On Vray 5.2.3 & Max 2022.
I can provide the .vrimg file if that's helpful.
I noticed there is also a display correction for Gamma 2.2...
Toggling between these two in the VFB setting yield different results.
When I save out the image from my frame buffer.... even when pointed on sRGB Display Correction, it saves as the Gamma 2.2 version. On top of that I get... *almost* the same look as Gamma 2.2 in but it's slightly more lifted.
Similar discrepancy to above, I can copy from the clip board when in sRGB mode and get a close to sRGB result but with the same offset in shadow darkness as we see in the above comparison.
So some questions..
1. What is the difference between srgb and gamma 2.2 display corrections?
2. Which one should I be working in as a good standard/best practice?
3. Why do I default to Display Corrections in sRGB if they default save as Gamma 2.2?
4. Why is there a subtle lift in shadow quality, between my frame buffer versus when saved? (Tried saving as multiple file formats to rule out.)
5. Is there a more practical way to save my image as it appears in the sRGB Display Correction than Copying to my clip board and pasting into Photoshop?
My goal is to get the sRGB version as it looks is the VFB, so save in an image file and look like a 1:1. I'm loosing too much localized contrast for my liking and don't quite understand why there's these discrepancies.
Thanks for your brains!
Other useful context: On Vray 5.2.3 & Max 2022.
I can provide the .vrimg file if that's helpful.