Not so much an issue as something I've now done a few times and it's a bit anoying.
I add denoiser elements and set them to only output to the elements (for post on animations)
but sadly then I forget that I'm saving ordinarily to a png sequence and so Oops, no denoise options at the end of long renders.
My fault entirely, but is there a simple way to implement a warning on pressing 'go' that I've done this dumb thing?
I notice it's not in the log either, at least not on default verbose settings, so maybe even just a red flag there would do? EDIT: It is of course there
but clearly wasn't enough to alert me
Original request stands though.
I add denoiser elements and set them to only output to the elements (for post on animations)
but sadly then I forget that I'm saving ordinarily to a png sequence and so Oops, no denoise options at the end of long renders.
My fault entirely, but is there a simple way to implement a warning on pressing 'go' that I've done this dumb thing?
I notice it's not in the log either, at least not on default verbose settings, so maybe even just a red flag there would do? EDIT: It is of course there
but clearly wasn't enough to alert me
