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Max Area Shadows don't work with VRay Motion Blur

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  • Max Area Shadows don't work with VRay Motion Blur

    I've an old scene where every thing is setted up with Max scanline renderer, including lights with area shadows. Now that I'm using VRay, the scene seems (is) nicer rendered with Vray. But as soon as I enable Vray Motion Blur, area shadows disapear.
    Any tips?

  • #2
    Well you basically should switch all your lights shadow types to vray shadows, and maybe even replacing the bigger lights you use with vray lights. This should be possible to do through scripting, though I have no clue as to what to write in the script my self
    Signing out,


    • #3
      Thanks for the tip, but the density of the Max's area shadow has been edited. So the shadow is black with Vray shadow, but light grey with Area shadow.
      Any other option?


      • #4
        Hmm..Well if you are using directional or spot lights then you should be able to adjust the shadow density on them, but I seem to remember something about this requiring some other check box to be turned on or off (I cant remember). Otherwise there is always the option to let the light bounce more and lighten the shadowed areas more by indirect lighting, though then you'd probably need to redo all your lights to compensate. As far as vray lights, I don't think one can brighten their shadow like max lights.
        Signing out,


        • #5
          You need to turn off the "Transparent shadows" option in the V-Ray shadows dialog. This will enable you to use the 3dsmax shadow color and density controls.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6

            Thanks SO MUCH!!
            I'll be on time for my deadline!!!!
            VRAY ROCKS


            • #7
              hi vlado

              isn´t it possible to get darker shadows if i turn the shadow density higher than 1...

              to do it with color-mapping dark-multiplier is mostly changing whole scene values...


