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Timeout Error

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  • Timeout Error

    Hi there,

    this is probabely more a max than a vray problem.
    I have 3 jobs in the backburner queue.. and no matter what I do
    it will give an error message "task timeout 600 minutes".
    I set the timeout to 5000 (actually this are my default settings)
    when sending the job to the manager. Also in the monitor I can see the correct timeout values of 5000. I searched this forum and came across
    a similar post where MorbidAngel replied to have a look at the backburner.xml files. I found those and checked the "Maxrender" values
    and they are all set to 5000. Is there anything else I missed. I really need to get this job rendered. And there is not much left I could decrease to fasten up the render times. Also rendering in layer is a problem due to
    I have a lot of interacting glossy reflections.
    Maybe a last chance would be commandline rendering.
    So I could start the jobs by hand on each machine.
    Can I use vray with the
    max commandline option ? Is it tied to some timeouts as well ?
    Maybe someone made experiences !

    Thank You !!

  • #2
    hi samuel
    after i changed the timeout to 9000 i didn't get this problem again.
    but i also think its a max problem.

