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vray denoiser won't denoise inside env fog

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  • vray denoiser won't denoise inside env fog

    ive got a scene with some very noisy sss materials, but they are inside an env fog. vraydenoiser completely ignores them when denoising. given they are the specific part im trying to denoise, its not very helpful.

    nvidia denoiser seems to fall down on high res images and has no "cpu only" mode

    intel denoiser makes everything look like a painting and has no strength control.

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting.
    I did a quick test using VRayFastSSS2, VRayEnvironmentFog and VRayDenoiser and it seems to work.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-01-04_18-06-15.gif
Views:	187
Size:	1.25 MB
ID:	1169271
    I am using everything default in the upper test. Also using the built in skin mode for the VRayFastSSS2.
    Could you send a simplified scene that reproduces the issue? You can do that here or thought the support contact form.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

