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Known Issues with LC and SSS?

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  • Known Issues with LC and SSS?

    I was running into some weird flickering when using a VRayMTL with SSS and Light Cache for GI. When I disabled the Light Cache it went away. I have a pretty deep SSS setting for light to travel inside a big balloon.

    Are there any known problems with this or tweaks to avoid any issues?

    Note I tried Setting LC to 4000 samples and Retrace of 10, and that did not help.

    Last edited by Joelaff; 31-01-2023, 03:20 PM.

  • #2
    I think I may have narrowed this down to another issue. Something is amiss when I have an instance of an object with a VrayDisplacementMod.

    I had an instance of my object in another location (but the instance had visibility turned off). Deleting the invisible instance seems to have fixed it.

    Too busy to troubleshoot further right now, but that was weird… and annoying.


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for posting. If you'd like we can continue troubleshooting and eventually find the culprit for this behaviour. Please upload a simplified version of a scene with this issue here or through our support contact form. Please include a link to this tread in your message.
      Vladimir Krastev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us

