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Motion Blur and object offset

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  • Motion Blur and object offset

    I'm on Vray 5 yet. I have an issue with a character who does an extrem bounce, I'm not able to render him in this extrem position, unless I turn Motionblur off. He is slightly behind, the point of Impact.
    here you can see a side by side, the left side of the sliderline is rendered without Mblur, on the right side is the same frame with Mblur:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	noMblur_vs_Mblur.gif
Views:	217
Size:	538.0 KB
ID:	1172669
    I rendered with this settings:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	MblurIntervalCenter.jpg
Views:	159
Size:	24.6 KB
ID:	1172670

    any ideas? Or Am I not understanding the system?

  • #2
    Add on:
    Is it possible that this can be due to a scaled rig? It's a custom rig (not done by me). And to make it fit into the scene I scaled the master helper of the rig to 60% of its size.
    I just linked a point helper to the COM-controller (center of mass) and collapsed its animation (via MB collapse, which unlinks the object and puts a key on each frame). While both object stay together over the whole animation, They have different animation curves! which i find interesting. I can only explain that with the COM living in a space, 40% smaller than the one of the pointhelper.
    the circle is the COM, the cube ist the point helper:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	COM_vs_Pointhelper.jpg
Views:	147
Size:	275.8 KB
ID:	1172674
    any Ideas?

    many thanks in advance


    • #3
      You may need more motion blur geo samples, try 4-6 with extreme motion this may be required.
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #4
        Try a VRayCamera, and set the motion blur to 180deg with an offset of -90 deg. Also make sure your camera is not scaled. I don't think this affects motion blur, though, but it does mess up depth of field.

