I Have several issues with LPE I would like to clarify.
1 - Weird Expression to get a proper result in Nuke (Garbage/rest)
For now in our workflow we are using LightSelect in presets modes, but we have to do some operations in Nuke to get a proper BackToBeauty.
By doing this we get what's missing between our render and the BacktoBeauty.
We want to use LPE for a full control in Nuke without these operations to optimze the comp process.
The thing is, if I use :
- Direct Diffuse
- Direct Specular
- Indirect Diffuse
- Indirect Specular
- Subsurface (this new one solve parts of the problem)
No matter if I use presetes or custom I am still missing some informations in the glassMaterial:


To get the missing part I have do with LPE pretty much what we do in Nuke with this expression:

How could you explain that? Are we missing something?
2 - Standard directional lights VS New VrayLights
I came across some weird results in Vray6.08 and Vray6.1 using Standard Directional (which is a big part of our process).
You don’t have the same result between the preset DirectDiffuse and the expression for DirectDiffuse:
With the preset every lights are include in the LightSelect
With the custom Expression Standard Directional aren’t taken into account in the LightSelect.
Our lighting team is currently testing the new VrayLight options to see if we can use it in production, in that case it would kinda solve the problem.
3 - Full Brut Force Vs BrutForce LightCache and related issues.
I’ve seen in one of your post https://forums.chaos.com/forum/v-ray...t-select-query that going Full BrutForce would solve the problem which is true after trying it.
Do you have any news on this subject (Internal bug tracker : VMAYA-11778 )
Just to mention again we are working with Vray6.08 (I am currently testing Vray6.1) for 3dsmax 2023 and have the same result.
We can’t really use anything mentioned in this post. Our pipeline is well oriented towards LightCache for now, and we can’t change it atm.
I Have several issues with LPE I would like to clarify.
- Weird Expression to get a proper result in Nuke (Garbage/rest)
- Standard directional VS New VrayLights
- Full Brut force vs BrutForceLightCache and related issues.
1 - Weird Expression to get a proper result in Nuke (Garbage/rest)
For now in our workflow we are using LightSelect in presets modes, but we have to do some operations in Nuke to get a proper BackToBeauty.
By doing this we get what's missing between our render and the BacktoBeauty.
We want to use LPE for a full control in Nuke without these operations to optimze the comp process.
The thing is, if I use :
- Direct Diffuse
- Direct Specular
- Indirect Diffuse
- Indirect Specular
- Subsurface (this new one solve parts of the problem)
No matter if I use presetes or custom I am still missing some informations in the glassMaterial:
To get the missing part I have do with LPE pretty much what we do in Nuke with this expression:
How could you explain that? Are we missing something?
2 - Standard directional lights VS New VrayLights
I came across some weird results in Vray6.08 and Vray6.1 using Standard Directional (which is a big part of our process).
You don’t have the same result between the preset DirectDiffuse and the expression for DirectDiffuse:
With the preset every lights are include in the LightSelect
With the custom Expression Standard Directional aren’t taken into account in the LightSelect.
Our lighting team is currently testing the new VrayLight options to see if we can use it in production, in that case it would kinda solve the problem.
3 - Full Brut Force Vs BrutForce LightCache and related issues.
I’ve seen in one of your post https://forums.chaos.com/forum/v-ray...t-select-query that going Full BrutForce would solve the problem which is true after trying it.
Do you have any news on this subject (Internal bug tracker : VMAYA-11778 )
Just to mention again we are working with Vray6.08 (I am currently testing Vray6.1) for 3dsmax 2023 and have the same result.
We can’t really use anything mentioned in this post. Our pipeline is well oriented towards LightCache for now, and we can’t change it atm.