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shaderballs become strange appearance

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  • shaderballs become strange appearance

    Hi Guys,

    just facing suddenly this issue here. Al Shaderballs become this strange grey appearance. Started 3D max new, but still exist.
    As soon I select some and press "U" they become like that.

    any Ideas?
    Last edited by caypiranha; 08-03-2023, 07:40 AM.

  • #2
    well.. "solved" somehow and don´t have any clue.
    I just created one new VrayMat and tried to mess up the shaderball as well, selected him and pressed u.
    Instead being messed up, all others got healed again...

    nice one.

    EDIT: ... but the issue returns.
    Last edited by caypiranha; 08-03-2023, 07:23 AM.


    • #3
      Are those the 3ds Max material swatches or the V-Ray ones (is the 3ds Max material swatches option in Settings>System active)?
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        if you mean the " native 3dsMax material swatches" - they are turned off.

        working on latest vray 5 in Max 2023. But I had never ever encountered a problem like this before

        the funny thing is, when I put a new node into slate, I can refresh all others and they turn right back again.

        Possible also, that it retains also only in this certain scene. I switched a project for now and will see what's going on here.
        If you may have further interest, I can send it over for a closer investigation.


        • #5
          it seems a bit, that sending over all the "V-Ray Scene Converter" with some mat. relevant options enabled may solve this.
          Anyway, I haven't encountered the problem since then.

