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Matte compositing reflection elements – known limitations/bugs?

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  • Matte compositing reflection elements – known limitations/bugs?

    Hi all.
    This issue is related to getting reflections on matte surfaces in render elements

    Simple example scene: background- gray corner, hero- red ball.
    All materials have full contribution to alpha, then reflections are rendered to Light elements, and VrayReflection.

    The non-matte set up:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	elements_fullAlpha.jpg
Views:	165
Size:	116.0 KB
ID:	1177709

    Now If background material is set to be a Matte surface (either via VrayMtlWrapper, or Vray object settings), the full RGB renders correctly, while reflections don’t show up in any of the render elements, hindering compositing options. Like so:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	elements_matteBG.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	78.3 KB
ID:	1177710

    This a big problem for compositing, that I’m currently trying to work around. Especially was expecting to have light control in composite.
    Matte settings just in case:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	matte_settings.jpg
Views:	235
Size:	24.5 KB
ID:	1177708
    Any insight into whether this is expected, or bugs, or I have something wrong in my setup would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  • Answer selected by hermit.crab at 12-04-2023, 01:57 AM.

    Turns out it's a known issue (internal bug-tracker: VMAX-6479). LPEs display the issue as well, unfortunately. Logged it in as well (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-13218 ). What you can do is use the current Full Light Select (without matte reflections/gi) and extract it from the RGB. This will get you the missing information.


    • #2
      Hm, I'm uncertain if matte reflections are considered. I'll do some testing and write back.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #3
        Turns out it's a known issue (internal bug-tracker: VMAX-6479). LPEs display the issue as well, unfortunately. Logged it in as well (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-13218 ). What you can do is use the current Full Light Select (without matte reflections/gi) and extract it from the RGB. This will get you the missing information.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #4
          Thanks for the update. And thanks for the suggestion, yep that totally works, much appreciated!

