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Vray Fog breaking

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  • Vray Fog breaking

    Im having an issue with the Vray fog, it seems to hit a distance threshold and then it seems to be disappearing. It works at 10000 meters but its to strong. So as soon as I adjust it just a little bit farther. 11000 meters it completely disappears. Playing with the fog height or anything doesn't change it. But the odd thing is it still remains in the alpha? The camera doesnt have any env ranges or anything, even when I render from perspective, same issue. Im on Vray 6.10.02 build 0 and max 2021. Any advice on why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Fog_Distance.gif
Views:	183
Size:	1.66 MB
ID:	1177748

  • #2
    Hi e.butler010​. I managed to reproduce the behavior when the System units are in Centimeters. It's logged into our system under VMAX-13226.
    After I made a scene with System units in Meters I was able to put higher values without breaking the fog as shown in the image.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	FOG.jpg
Views:	135
Size:	119.8 KB
ID:	1178027

