I sent the following email to the bug reports address but heard nothing back so I thought I'd try the forum...
> Vlado,
> We think we have found a bug when changing "vray object settings/properties" in the vray system rollout. Here are the steps to follow in order for you to repeat the bug.
> 1. Open a new max file and create two spheres, inspect the object settings of the two spheres separately, to check they are set to the default values.
> 2. Select sphere01 and change some of the vray object property values.
> 3. Now select both of the spheres and view the vray object properties. They should displayed as mixed values, as expected.
> 4. Select sphere02 and view the vray object property values. You will see that it has inherited all the properties from sphere01! This works for all the properties in the vray object properties dialog.
> We are running Max7 Sp1. We installed all of the Max 7.5 features except Mental Ray. This has been tested on Win2K SP4 and WinXP SP2.
> Let me know if you need any other information.
> Hope this helps,
> Olly Radford.
> Vlado,
> We think we have found a bug when changing "vray object settings/properties" in the vray system rollout. Here are the steps to follow in order for you to repeat the bug.
> 1. Open a new max file and create two spheres, inspect the object settings of the two spheres separately, to check they are set to the default values.
> 2. Select sphere01 and change some of the vray object property values.
> 3. Now select both of the spheres and view the vray object properties. They should displayed as mixed values, as expected.
> 4. Select sphere02 and view the vray object property values. You will see that it has inherited all the properties from sphere01! This works for all the properties in the vray object properties dialog.
> We are running Max7 Sp1. We installed all of the Max 7.5 features except Mental Ray. This has been tested on Win2K SP4 and WinXP SP2.
> Let me know if you need any other information.
> Hope this helps,
> Olly Radford.