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Warning when doing Bake to Texture through VRay VFB

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  • Warning when doing Bake to Texture through VRay VFB

    We are using 3dsMax's Bake to Texture (BTT) feature to bake our textures. We are seeing the following warning:

    2023-06-17 19:37:41 - WARNING: [V-Ray] V-Ray VFB is enabled but no save option is selected - baked textures will be lost.
    2023-06-17 19:37:41 - WARNING: [V-Ray] Please select a VFB output option or use the 3dsmax VFB.​

    We set baked maps file names and all output options through BTT. The textures are all baked correctly and there's actually no issues in any way, but we always had this warning and I never understood it.

    I saw other older threads suggesting this is an issue by using non-VRay baking elements, but we only use VRay elements so this can't be the reason. I realized that if I set "V-Ray raw image file" on and set a proper file name, the warning goes away, but I believe this shouldn't be necessary when using BTT. Am I missing something?

  • #2
    Originally posted by dgg_joao View Post
    I realized that if I set "V-Ray raw image file" on and set a proper file name, the warning goes away, but I believe this shouldn't be necessary when using BTT. Am I missing something?
    Yes, that's the reason for the error.

    EDIT: We should probably remove the warning. It's been there for ages. You can ignore it.
    Last edited by hermit.crab; 19-06-2023, 12:34 AM.
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