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Vray Sun keeps duplicating or extra sun appears randomly?

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  • Vray Sun keeps duplicating or extra sun appears randomly?

    Not sure why or when this happens - but I constantly have to check that sun isn't duplicated in exact position or that an extra sun just appeared somewhere?
    Anyone else have this problem?
    Using latest vray 6 release.

  • #2
    Have you merged something into your scene? I remember this happening a bit in the past when merging materials from a library...
    James Burrell
    Visit my Patreon


    • #3
      I merge all the time, huge time-saver and not interested to re-create materials I've already used. - super annoying


      • #4
        If you manage to reproduce the issue, do share how you did it so we can troubleshoot.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          I think it's usually a particular material that does it, not just randomly. It could be that you're somehow merging in a vraysky and there's a sun attached to it. That was always my suspicion...
          James Burrell
          Visit my Patreon


          • #6
            check if you have the option of rendering hidden light on or off in the vray settings. Maybe when you are importing stuff in your scene some light are getting imported too and if you hide them but have the render hidden lights on they will still be visible in the final image.
            Another thing that comes in mind is if you use autoexposure for the camera. This can change the image look when the scene is modified.
            Also, are you using by any chance Pulze for the scene setup? I found that improper scene setup with Pulze could lead to stuff like unlinking the sky and sun while switching the cameras and the result will be different than the expecting ones due to this.
            Last edited by garipodelu; 22-06-2023, 01:33 AM.
            pixel bender @ panoptikon


            • #7
              This is usually caused by having a .Max scene file open as a material library in (e.g.) Slate. Close all the material libraries, especially any scenes.


              • #8
                Yeah this is a Max thing, import a material by opening a max file in the material editor, and that is the result, unfortunately. This has been reported by many users already, but sadly never got fixed.



                • #9
                  Just had this start happening to me too and I was going insane, I had 8 vraysuns in my scene at one point. I indeed had a max file loaded in the material editor, so I removed that and am hoping it fixes the issue.


                  • #10
                    Hopefully this bug will be sorted out - happens every time I merge a material (through material editor) from another max file.


                    • #11
                      FYI, we logged the issue (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-13709). The issue indeed happens when importing materials from an ME-imported.max file that has a VRaySky linked to a VRaySun. According to Vlado, the issue is indeed linked to 3ds Max. We'll report it to Autodesk asap.
                      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                      • #12
                        I'm getting this behavior in Max 2025 with VRay 6, Update 2.1

                        Came here looking for a fix.

                        Absolutely wild that this is still happening.


                        • #13
                          You can avoid it by using actual material libraries instead of loading Max files in the material libraries. You can also close all your Max file material libraries.


                          • #14
                            Almost 2 years since I posted about this issue - still it happens with Max 2025 and Vray 7...


                            • #15
                              Yeah it's a 3dsMax issue unfortunately, and Autodesk just fired 10% of their staff to invest in AI. And since that issue Chaos also bought 3 other companies, including one that has AI tools, so big win for us.

                              Just hang in there buddy. Soon we'll just have to think about what we want and the AI will just generate everything. It's just around the corner.

                              Bonustip: To avoid these issues take a look at asset managers like Connecter or Project Manager to save out materials for reuse.


