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Wondering why I expereience this with Chaos Cosmos Browser sometimes.

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  • Wondering why I expereience this with Chaos Cosmos Browser sometimes.

    Often times I can't drag a material from the cosmos browser directly into my slate material editor view. If I create a new view tab it will let me then drop it in there. Haven't been able to understand why this happens.

    Also curious why there isn't an option in the cosmos browser to right click and add material to selection?

    Sorry for the poor quality in these images. I couldn't capture this with a screenshot so had to use my potato phone.

    On the left is "View2" where it won't let me drop the material in. Create a new tab "View3' and it workes just fine.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	440
Size:	405.8 KB
ID:	1188808

    Thanks for any clarification!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I have a suspicion that each time Cosmos updates it somehow resets whatever Windows permissions settings existed for any previous sessions.
    I have no proof of this, but regularly encounter the situation where I have previously been able to drag models into the scene, then suddenly
    am not permitted to do so. This seems to be similar behaviour.

    What you can do with both materials and models is press import, which will allow the process every time I think. So it maybe is constrained to the drag'n'drop function.

    I find this extremely irritating.

    EDIT: btw, get ShareX...fantastic for screenshots...I use it rather than render saves when previewing/posting etc
    Last edited by fixeighted; 17-08-2023, 12:42 PM.


    • #3
      Hi. I was able to recreate the issue if I reset the scene, without closing 3ds Max. This could be the reason why it doesn't happen every time. Please let me know if you could recreate it this way. The issue is registered under VMAX-13537.
      As a workaround, you can start Max again, or use View 2, as you already found.


      • #4
        What about it not working 100% of the time when dragging models to the scene?


        • #5
          About models, that should be a separate issue.
          Currently, I don't have problems here to drag a model into a viewport.
          I would suggest opening a new topic where we can unravel this case.
          Last edited by dimitar_panayotov; 18-08-2023, 06:30 AM.


          • #6
            Dragging a 3d model from the Cosmos browser to a viewport.
            Literally in the same scene, one object will be able to be dragged whilst another will not.
            It has been like this for ever


            • #7
              Please open a new topic with an example, which models, which version of Cosmos, Max is used, and so on. And we will look into the case. Thank you.


              • #8
                Ok, I will do so when it happens again, if I remember then to record the behaviour.
                It is random and so of course at the moment I can't trigger it

