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vrscene and texture scale..

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  • vrscene and texture scale..

    im working with another company who are providing car models (maya, exported as vrscene) , all ready textured up, my job is to build the landscapes/cityscapes for them.

    they work in cm.. and that is non-negotiable. Obviously if im modelling a huge mountain range in max, , working in cm is a bit problematic..

    no probem, i thought, ill just scale the vrscene down to 0.01 and it will work... and it does.. kinda... the problem is any procedural textures in the vrscene are not scaled. so, for example, nice fine bump maps become huge wobbly messes. this occurs either using the vrscene scale setting or the max scale tool.

    also, i note that, despite having the axis of the vrscene centred in model, scaling it down with the scale control in the vrscene object shifts it off waay away from the axis, as if its scaling on some other , internal axis. using the max scale tool does not have this effect.

    is there a fix for these issues?
    Last edited by super gnu; 23-08-2023, 03:01 PM.

  • #2
    nobody? i can't think of a single use case for vrscene where this result (the textures not scaling with the model) would be useful or desirable behaviour.


    • #3
      wow the silence from Chaos is deafening. i remeber "back in the day" i had an issue with vrayfur... Vlado sent me a new, fixed vray build after 3 hrs! the incredible support was the reason vray won the rendering race, i hope this has not been forgotten. . i appreciate the company is now much bigger etc etc... but then, the support department should be too, no?

      anyway, i see that in maya you can add python code when exporting. i also see that max has an "override snippet" thingy. im not a coder so wouldnt have a clue how to do this, but it seems to me that one , or both of these options could be used to rescale the procedural maps to match the vrscene scale...

      maybe somebody there can help?


      • #4
        Hi, thanks for posting and please excuse us for the delayed response. Occasionally a thread can fall out of our view for a few days. The forum is a very dynamic support channel and sometimes the new threads come in peaks.
        I will now recreate what you described and check if there is room for improvement from our side. Please have a little more patience, I will get back to you shortly.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          just a clarification on the issue, ive spoken again to the provider of the vrscenes... the most notable issue is with leather and rubber bump maps. they have clarified that these are in fact bitmaps, with triplanar mapping, not procedural bumps. end result is the same though, maps with a "scale" setting not scaling with the model.ive done some quick tests with a triplanar map on a sphere, and the mapping scales with the sphere so it remains visually identical.

          edit: ok the rabbit hole deepens. ive tried exporting a sphere with a triplanar map on as a vrscene from max, and reimported... the texture scales correctly with the object

          also, and possibly this is the root of the problem... it appears the test car vrscene im using was exported with *vray 5*, and i am on 6.... so it could either be that, or some difference between maya and max vrscenes...
          Last edited by super gnu; 01-09-2023, 02:26 AM.


          • #6
            Hi, thanks for your patience and for the additional details about your workflow. I created a test scene in centimetres and used a VRayTriplanarTex in the bump slot with a VRayNormalMap and a VRayBitmap for the bump. Then I exported the vrscene and opened another 3ds Max that has meters for system units. After importing and rendering from both the centimetres and meters scenes, the results for the bump are identical. The scale of the geometry matches the corresponding system units.

            3ds Max centimetres

            Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-09-01_16-33-37.jpg
Views:	185
Size:	260.1 KB
ID:	1189758

            3ds Max meters

            Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-09-01_16-34-05.jpg
Views:	158
Size:	196.3 KB
ID:	1189759

            After that went to Maya. The VRayTriplanarTex keeps the correct scale but there is a difference in the bump. I will have to dig more into this.

            Maya centimetres

            Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_2023-09-01_17-14-45.jpg
Views:	165
Size:	333.5 KB
ID:	1189760

            3ds Max, meters, from Maya

            Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-09-01_17-14-54.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	363.0 KB
ID:	1189761
            Vladimir Krastev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              thanks for looking into this.. in the last donut example, apart from the texture looking different, is a donut that was say 100cm radius in maya cm scene, 1 m radius when brought into a max metres scene? or does it come in at 100m radius?

              my 300 cm long car comes into max 300m long if the scene is in metres.

              if this is the case, what happens to the triplanar scale if you scale the donut vrscene down in max to be 1m radius?


              • #8
                Hi, this is the vrscene from Maya, exported from a centimetres scene and imported into 3ds Max's meters scene.

                This is how it looks with a scale of 1
                Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-09-04_16-46-41.jpg
Views:	167
Size:	202.4 KB
ID:	1189870

                And this is with scale of 0.1
                Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-09-04_16-45-27.jpg
Views:	159
Size:	189.1 KB
ID:	1189871

                The VRayTriplanrTex scales accordingly. Only the pivot of the vrscene shifts but this is expected.
                Vladimir Krastev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us

